
Dpns aren't as scary as they look

So, I've finally learned how to use dpns! I initially was scared to death of them, but soon realized it was just like regular knitting, just a few more needles. I encourage anyone who's afraid of them, to give it a shot. Really, it starts to feel natural after a while! I still think that circulars are an unnecessary evil, but maybe I'll change my opinion of them one of these days. I'm thinking that it's just b/c all the one's that I've gotten so far have too long of a cable. I'm thinking I'm going to ask for a set of interchangeables for Christmas. Seems like a wise investment to me.
On another note, I actually finished a project Thursday! GO ME! The structure of it was based on the Le' Slouch. Basically, I cast on the amount given, and knitted it to 6 inches, as the pattern required. I have the increases in the same place, but different increases. Same with the decreases.

Oh and today's my b-day. Yesterday, Mom and I went shopping. I got a shit load of needles and yarn, and I was happy. I also got the first edition of Stitch and Bitch, which I'm enjoying, a computer charger, and a pair of jeans. My poor laptop, Shaniqua, was charger-less for a week, b/c I left mine at my auntie's, when I went to visit for a few days. And, me being without a computer is like me being without my knitting for a week. Not a pretty sight, trust me lol.


Anonymous said...

That beret is REALLY cute!

Debbie Minerva said...

I've bought dpns but I'm afraid to use them. I just surf knitting blogs looking at socks and wishing I could do that. I love how your beret turned out. You are quite talented.