
Rodney's Finished

I finished the Rodney the Rooster dishcloth a few hours ago. It was a fairly simple knit. I think my Mom will like it.

On her way home from the gym today, Christine found this little girl. Actually, she got thrown out of the window of a moving car. Nobody else pulled over, but Christine did. Thankfully, there are no injuries to the puppy, she just needs to put on a bit of weight. We named her Katrina, and we're gonna find her a good loving home. She's very sweet and very cuddly. I don't understand people, and how ANYONE could just throw her out of a car window like that. People are just so cruel. Christine says that something told her that she had to take this certain highway home, and we believe that Katrina is the reason why. I think that she was meant to save her.
But anyhoo, that's all that's been going on around here. I'm still trying to figure out if I'm going to make my Mom one last dishcloth to stick in the mail. But, before I decide, I think I'm gonna find something to eat!

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