Hmmmmmmm. So, it's been a while since I posted on here. A lot has changed since I last posted. I guess I should start with that.
Well first of all, I started crocheting for a couple of years. I get into my phases where I really love crochet or I really love knitting. Not that I love one more than the other. I guess one just interests me more at some times. Also in the time that I've been away, I met the love of my life, Christine, and moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma. We'll have been together two years on March 29th. :) Since we've been together, I've crocheted her socks, a blanket, and a dragon. Anyway, we have two cats, Valentino and Aria. We also have three dogs, Benito, Gia, and Aurora. We also have a ferret, Mya. :) I'll have to post some pics of them later on today.
Well, a couple of weeks ago I picked up the knitting needles, determined to finally get that damn purl stitch down. I thought I had it, but I didn't. I swear, me and that stupid stitch have been fighting for a good....5 years or so I'd say? See I started knitting in 2001 I want to say....I was still in high school. I used to knit in school and got made fun of because of it. I didn't really care though, because I loved to knit. Still do. Just happens to be more popular now lol. Anyway, back to my point, back then, I didn't know that any other stitch existed, besides the knit stitch, and that elusive, mysterious purl. My Mom taught me how to cast on, and my Dad taught me the knit stitch. When I was first trying to get the hang of the knit stitch, I remember him saying that I was "already trying to purl". I think that I had put my needle in the way that you purl, but hell, I didn't know that at the time. So I was always very curious about it. I always tried to understand how to do it from books and all but could never get the hang of it. Back in 2007 or 2008, I picked up the needles again, determined to learn that damn purl stitch. If nothing else I'm not a quitter lol. Well, I didn't learn that stitch, but I learned a whole bunch of others, and I made some pretty cool things with the stitches that I learned. :) But that damn purl stitch always frustrated me so. I think it's one of the reasons that I lost interest in knitting for a while. But, me being the determined person that I am, decided to pick up the knitting needles yet again, and master the stupid purl stitch. I watched a ton of videos, and read through some of my little knitting booklets, trying to understand exactly what I was doing wrong. Finally, something just clicked with me. Before when I would try to the purl, I would have the yarn over the needle(instead of under with the knit), I would have the needle inserted in the opposite direction from the knit stitch. But I wouldn't put the damn yarn BEHIND THE STITCH THAT I WAS ATTEMPTING TO PURL! So, just like that it all finally came together, after years of struggling with it. I was so happy, that I nearly cried. And wouldn't you know, now purl is my favorite stitch. Weird, huh?
Anyway, now I'm working on a scarf for my Christine. It's the Palindrome. Funny how after I learned the purl stitch I moved right on to cables lol. The scarf is coming along really well. I'm almost done with it I think. I shall post some pics when I get done with it. I'm doing it in Hobby Lobby's I Love This Yarn! in navy. It's really pretty. Also very hairy, thanks to all of my animals lol.
Anyway, that's about it for now. I shall post some pics of my animals later. And I will be updating my blog more often. And I have decided that I am going to expand this knitting blog to crochet as well, that way when I get into more of a crocheting mood, I can post about that as well. Anyway, ta-ta for now, fellow knitters and crocheters.....and yarn lovers in general!!!! :)
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