

Katrina is driving me insane. I'm sorry, I know she's a puppy, but my God, she is. She pees and poops everywhere but outside. We've had her a week now, and she's pottyed outside three times. And that was it. I think it was just random coincidence. And I'm the one that usually get to clean up the messes. I get to clean the bathroom every morning because her and Aurora have peed and pooped everywhere. Aurora is no better. I went outside with her earlier, and she would not go. I was out with her a good ten minutes at least. I even tried running around, because Christine had said something about them running around gets their bowels moving or something. It would be better if we could put puppy pads in the bathroom with them, but Katrina tears them to shreds. And we put a baby gate up over by the bathroom door to keep them enclosed in the rest of the bathroom, in order to prevent them from pottying over by the door, so we don't step in it. But, they hop over the gate anyway. I'm just frustrated.
In other news, sock knitting isn't going so well thus far. Last night I had left my knitting on the floor by accident, and one of the dogs had gotten a hold of it. I went to work on my sock, and one of the three needles had fallen out. Then I cast on this morning, and moved all of my stitches to their needles, and I guess I messed up somewhere, because I came up missing a stitch. Anyway, we're going to her Mom's house tonight, so I'll try again tonight.
And she just called me into the bedroom to clean up dog puke. LIKE I DON'T CLEAN UP ENOUGH FUCKING DOG MESSES ALREADY!!!! Could I PLEASE have a break. I'm just gonna get off here for now. More when I'm less frustrated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had to train our dog to go on command and she did it very well.
Everytime we took her out to pee, we said the same thing... Go potty, Katy, Go potty... She got the hang of it pretty quickly... very nice when you are travelling with her in the car and have to stop for a pee break...
We took to training her right away. She was a pound pup, unable to bark, bad neck marks from the leash that was too tight... but besides that, she was a Godsend to us.
You have puppies... they are not yet developed enough to be able to do any kind of reasoning... but they still need discipline... constant reminders of what is good and what is bad and lots of rewards for doing good... nothing for doing bad.
Use the same words each time. The words actually mean nothing to them but the tone of voice will speak volumes..
Don't give up and you will end up with some very nice companions that are a wonderful part of your family.