
Circular Needles=Evilness

Ok, so if you can't tell by the title, I'm just a bit frustrated with circulars. I tried using them, but my stitches get all twisted, then I have a hard time joining in the round, b/c the stitches just refuse to get past the little pointy part of the needle that's over by the cable. ARGH. I'm starting to think that dpns might be easier lol. And those bitches look scary!!
Gah, I really can't wait til my b-day, b/c me and Mom are going shopping, and I am going to get all the knitting goodies one could ever dream of. Have ya'll ever seen those ginormous knitting needles they have? Like, they're really really thick. Well, I have the oddest desire to get me some of those bitches lol. I also really need a cable needle. Yet another thing that I am lacking. I had had one with the knitting kit that I got when I first started knitting, but I don't know where the sucker has went to. But I deffinitely want to learn how to do cables. There are so many pretty things that you can make with them. I also want to get some more yarn. There's so many different kinds of yarn, and in so many different colors! Not that I don't have enough yarn as it is, lol. I inherited alot of this really old yarn from my Grandma. I wish I knew what happened to her needles, too.
Let's see here, I've started another couple of new projects. You guys'll learn that I'm really bad about that lol. I'm attempting to make one of those slouchy berets, except on straight needles, for obvious reason lol. The only problem is, is that they're on size 8s, and the pattern requires size 11s. And I didn't think to check the guage, well b/c I've never attempted to check the gauge! OY! I have alot to learn, don't I? Well, that's enough from me, I'm going to go play with the evilness that I call circulars. Hope everyone has a great day or night or w/e!!!!!

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